Wednesday 30 November 2016

Calibri and Cambria on Linux

I'm no font fanatic. I can't tell the difference between Calibri and Carlito but I can tell the a busted document layout.

Fortunately, Carlito has the same front metrics as Calibiri (and Caladea has the same metrics as Cambria).

The font-substitution table in LibreOffice then allows me to work on documents using these fonts while getting a layout the same as my colleagues on Microsoft Office.

Quoting from the Debian Wiki:

LibreOffice font substitution

To install them, issue these commands as root in a shell:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-crosextra-caladea

In LibreOffice, you exchange Calibri and Cambria with Carlito and Caladea this way:
  • Open the "Extras" menu
  • Go to "Options"
  • Choose "LibreOffice"
  • Choose "Fonts"
  • Define a substitution for each of the two fonts (Calibri -> Carlito, Cambria -> Caladea).
  • Remember to check "Always" in the substitution lines.

Once the program is restarted, documents sent from MS Office look almost the same on your screen and printouts.


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